Instructions for applying for a food publication license

  • 28-04-2022
According to Decree No.15/2018/ND-CP, all food production and trading enterprises that have business registration in Vietnam or are representatives of foreign companies, bring food to circulate on the Vietnamese market are required to publish quality standards before being marketed for consumption. Food production and export enterprises that haven't announced quality standards will be fined 40-50 million (for individuals) and 80-100 million (for organizations) according to Clause 4 - Article 20.

Viet La Bo will guide in detail the procedure for food announcement at the Food Safety Management Board of Ho Chi Minh City. Follow this guide to help your company complete the food declaration with minimum cost and time.

1. Documents to prepare
In order to make a successful food safety announcement, organizations and individuals need to carefully prepare these following documents:

  • Food declaration (under form No.02, Appendix I issued together with Decree 15/2018/ND-CP)
  • Business license (with appropriate functions and lines of business)
  • Certificate of eligibility for food production and business (in case of processing or domestic production) for imported food, only a business license with the function of food wholesale is required
  • Health Certificate or Certificate of Freesale - applied exclusively for imported food
  • Food additive profile (if any)
  • Profile of ingredients as multi-ingredient (if present in product composition)
  • Copy of Barcode Certificate (if any)
  • Copy of Trademark Registration Certificate (if any)
  • Scientific documents proving the use of the product approved by the Ministry of Health
  • Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
  • Translation of documents from foreign languages into Vietnamese
  • Test results are valid for 12 months at a laboratory accredited in accordance with ISO 17025 (2 originals, originals or notarized copies).

2. Submit application for food publication license
  • Place to apply:

Ho Chi Minh City Food Safety Management Board
Food Safety Department

  • Apply

  • Submit 1 copy (Product Self-Declaration + Test Results) by post or directly to the Food Safety Management Board, or the Food Safety Department of the provinces/cities to submit.
The Food Safety Management Board receives the self-declaration of businesses and individuals to store records and publish the names of businesses and individuals and the names of self-proclaimed products on the Board's website Food Safety Management / Food Safety Departments of provinces/cities.
  • There is also 1 copy left by an enterprise or individual who "self-publishes" the product on the mass media or its website or stored, listed publicly at the enterprise's head office.

3. Products that need to be registered for food publication license

In Decree No.15/2018/ND-CP issued by the Government, food groups that need to be registered for publication of product quality standards with state authorities before being put on the market was clearly stated consist of:
  • Food for health
  • Food on special diet list
  • Food nutrition medicine
  • Nutritional products for children under 36 months
  • Mixed food additives with new uses or additives that aren't in the list of additives allowed to be used in food or aren't suitable for the subjects prescribed by the Ministry of Health.
4. Foods that are allowed to self-declare
In addition to the food groups that are required to declare quality standards above, some food groups will be allowed to self-declare, it means enterprises are allowed to freely announce to the competent authority without any obligation. For example:
  • Prepackaged processed foods, food additives, food processing aids
  • Containers, packaging materials contact directly with food.

5. Things to keep in mind when announcing food
To make the process of declaring the quality of food products quickly, without the need to correct, supplement or return, you need to note a few issues below:

  • All documents in the application must be valid and presented in Vietnamese. All expired documents will be returned and not processed for any reason. If there is a document in a foreign language, it needs to be translated into Vietnamese and notarized
  • If declared food needs to change the name, origin and ingredients, it must be re-announced
  • If you're not knowledgeable about the law, you should ask for the support of a service unit specializing in announcing the quality of reputable products, avoiding risks and accompanying customers when the authorities do post-audit.

Above are detailed instructions on applying for food publication license. If you have any questions during the process of applying for food publication license, please contact Viet Labo immediately with the following details:

Hotline: (+84)
91 207 1256 (Mr.Cuong)
Email: ||

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